Trapshooting at Lake of the Ozarks

The MO Trapshooters Association is open to the public and is the second largest trapshooting facility in the world. The sport has become an Olympic event, with strong roots in the Midwest. Since the late 18th century the sport of trapshooting has been growing, and this association makes sure to hold on to the original traditions. Shotguns are the only acceptable weapon type for this sport, making it a different kind of skill than typically found at a normal shooting range. While the skills gained here are different, they are still as valuable as they were when the sport came to life in the late 18th century. Their facility is located in the heart of the Ozarks, just a few miles from the Inn at Grand Glaize.

Our lakeside hotel offers special rates for Trapshooters so contact us to learn more about our discount packages.

Youth Events

Youth clubs, high schools, and even junior high school events are welcome to join in on the fun of trapshooting and the Missouri Trapshooters Association. Functions are separated by age groups, and shooters of all skill are welcome to join events and hone their skills. Scholarships are even available through the association, for both colleges and trade schools. If your young ones love trapshooting, put their passion to good use by applying for their scholarship opportunities.

Youth groups such as 4H, which are held in high esteem for their focus on traditional values in rural areas are often seen at the association. The amazing group focuses on growing the community’s skills and keeping with the tradition of trapshooting. They give back to the community through youth events, scholarships, and building solid values.

Fun for Adults

The association offers reservations for bachelor and bachelorette parties, a great way to blow off some steam of the jitters before the big day. All skill levels are welcome, from first timers to professional trap shooters. Whether you are coming for a competition or just coming to learn with friends the staff will make sure you are fully prepared for a day of fun. Fundraising and special events can be held here with advance notice, so get your group together for a day of fun and fundraising.

Imagine getting all your friends together for some friendly competition and an exhilarating good time. No matter your skill levels, fun will definitely be on the agenda. Come on down and make memories that will last a lifetime with your group. Make sure to pack a pair of comfy shoes, and call ahead if you are bringing a large group to learn about events.

Family Time

Looking for quality bonding time with the family? Look no further than MO Trapshooters Association, especially for families with teenagers. Have a great father-son, mother-daughter, or even entire family bonding moment out on the range, with a professional instructor by your side. With 60 traps located on Linn Creek, your family can make a full day of learning a new sport, or simply honing your skills together. Being in the middle of the Lake of the Ozarks, you will have an endless array of options after shooting of places to dine, relax or have more fun. Once your family is worn out from shooting, head on back to the Inn at Grand Glaize for a comfy bed with a view of the lake, or to relax in the Jacuzzi together.